We are Currently taking applications for Midwest Toy and Comic Fest Decatur, IL, Springfield, IL and
Bloomington, IL 2025
Enter your application here to apply to be a vendor at our shows! State your business name, what you sell, and contact information within the message. Booth Spaces for MWTCF Decatur, Springfield, and Bloomington are 10x10 booths. Each booth includes, 1x 6'ft or 8’ft table, (depending on venue) 2x chairs, and 2x vendor badges. Decatur and Springfield's Inline spaces are $125.00 and corner spaces are $150. Bloomington's inline spaces are $200.00 and Corner space are $250.00. If/when accepted, you will receive an email with an invoice to the address submitted above. We will also provide load in, vendor hotel, and event information, once the invoice has been paid.
If you have any thoughts, questions, concerns, or want more information on our show, do NOT hesitate to ask! By submitting an application, you are agreeing to the vendor rules stated in the "vendor agreement section of this page.